
Saturday, June 1, 2024

First day of learning

The sun rose. I organized the vegetables with help from Robert. Afterwards, we left by locking the door and gate properly.

On the way, I saw Robert was having a delightful facial expression. It has been many months since he lived in my house. He didn’t go anywhere further; today was the first day. 

We didn’t talk much, but I tried to tell him a few things along the way till we arrived at the destination.

Normally Robert liked to talk, but he turned to keep quiet especially while I was meeting with the client. He stood by me and I saw he was focusing his eyes and ears on our conversation. 

When we returned, he changed to be himself.

“Can we play?” He said.


“Yes, we can do running competitions.”

“I think we cannot.”

“Why? It is a long way. We should have fun.”

“Because it’s a long way, that’s why we should not have fun.”

“Why not?”

“Because along this way, there are many troubles such as wolf, tiger, lion, hunter’s trap etc. If we have fun, we might lose caution and this will give an opportunity to those who want to harm us to be successful. Moreover, if we have fun, we will waste our energy. If a wolf or tiger appears, we will not be able to even run. So, along this way, we should maintain our caution both when we go and when we come back.”

Robert wagged his head, “I see.”

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