
Friday, May 31, 2024

Dog wants to learn how to do business

“Pig, can I ask you for a favor?” Robert said.

“Say first,” I said.

“Well,” he hesitated to speak.

“Say it.”

“I want you to bring me with you when you deliver the vegetables to your client.”

“Why do you want me to take you with me?”

“I want to know how you do it.”

“Do you want to learn about it?”

Robert wagged his head, “Yes, I want to learn it. I want to know how you do business.”

I giggled, “Do you want to do business like me?”

“Yes,” he replied honestly. “I remembered you said that you don’t believe animals have to live by relying on humans and you proved it to me. You are a pig, but you can survive yourself; moreover, you do business with humans. You are a business-pig and I want to be a business-dog.”

I laughed; however, I loved him; he was great and awesome.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Pig swears to not lend even a thing

“What’s going on?” Robert said as he heard a loud argument from the next farm.

The voice became louder making him and I rapidly ran to the fence and focused our ears.

“What are they talking about?” Robert asked.

“Well, it is about money,” I replied. “Someone borrowed their money, and they didn’t pay back.”

“How can they do that? It’s not their money.”

“It’s nothing humans can’t do, especially bad things.” I strolled back to the garden.

Robert walked after me and asked me, “You seem to acknowledge this matter.”

“I know a lot about it,” I told. “I read the news and I listened to humans talking, there are a lot of money issues nowadays. Everywhere. A lot of people are in debt to the banks. Also, they are in debt to their relatives and friends. Most of them don’t pay back, and the lenders fall into big trouble. Recently, in Cambodia, there have been a few crime cases related to this issue - the debtors killed the lenders when they asked for their money back.”

“Oh god! They borrowed their money and they dared to kill the owner of the money!”

“Yes! It’s human. As well, the animals can do that too.”

Robert chuckled, “Animals don’t use money.”

“Yes, but they can borrow other things besides money and they can do the same like the humans do towards their kind. Because I know about it, I don’t lend anything, even food; I give them if I feel I want to; if I don’t want to, I will say I don’t have.”

“I see.” Robert wagged his head.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Pig tells dog to not put hands in human’s matter

“Pig, did you watch the documentary…”

“Shh. I watched it and I saw the news; however, please don’t talk about it.”

“Why? Are you afraid of them?”

“Yes, one hundred percent.” I nodded my head. “Humans are scary. They can harm the same human, how can’t they harm us who are just animals? So, don’t mention this matter. Not even between us but also other animals.”

“I see what you mean.” Robert wagged his head.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Duck likes to grumble

“I really don’t like that, I really don’t like that,” duck said by the gate of my house.

“What’s the matter?” I said and opened the gate for her. She came in but still grumbled, “I don’t like that, I really don’t like that.”

“What is that that you don’t like?”

She sat in the chair in the front yard and said, “I don’t like standing on a cow's back, it makes me dizzy; but all the time, when I go out with cow and twin piggies, they always tell me to sit on it. I really don’t like it.”

“If you don’t like it, why don’t you tell them?”

“I told them already but they still tell me to do it.”

“Then do something.”

“Do what?”

“If your words don’t have an effect, you should try to think of action.”

“What can I do? I don’t know what to do.”

“Well, you don’t even try to help yourself, I can’t help you.”

I was about to get out, duck called, “Where do you go?”

“I'm going to do gardening.”

“Please stay here with me. I have a lot of troubles in my mind and I want to share them with you or I would explode.”

“I’m sorry, duck. I have a lot of work to do; I don't have time to listen to your complaints.”

“Oh no. Stay with me and listen to me. There are a lot of troubles I got from cow and twin piggies, please listen to me talking about what they have done to me.”

“If you want to complain, you should go to complain to the ones who give you trouble.”

After claiming, I left duck alone without turning my back.

When I finished gardening with Robert and came to the front yard, I didn’t see her in my house. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Some truths that some people don’t see

“What are you doing, Pig?”

“I am writing.”

“To publish?”

“No, I just wrote to release pressure from my mind.”

“What is it about?”

“It’s about my ex-master’s youngest daughter.”

“Can I read it?”

“Sure, here it is.” I turned my laptop on for Robert to read.


My father and mother always said they love me, so listen to them and they will be responsible for everything.

I remembered there was a relative inviting us to their kid’s wedding. I wanted to go, but my parents said I didn’t need to go. Then another relative sent the wedding’s invitation, and they said I could go. Then another relative launched the wedding. They told me to join the evening party, but not the morning’s part even though I said I wanted to join the morning part - not the evening party. Not only the wedding, but also other ceremonies; they decided for me which program I could go and which program I could not. However this was not the bad thing, because there was a worse thing than that.

It was by accident that I heard that during the programs, when the relatives asked why I didn’t join, my parents told them that I was not well, or I was busy at work etc. And the worse thing I wanted to say was some relatives had seen me going around on the day of the programs and they said that I used an excuse to not join. In summary, I was a bad person in their minds. 

I even asked my siblings who went with my parents and they said that it was true my parents really did tell that about me to the relatives.

I was shocked to hear it and I was not happy. When the next program arrived, my parents wanted me to join, but I said no. When they asked me why, I narrated what I heard. They didn’t apologize, they turned to blame me and said that what they did was to create a good image for me. I could not tolerate it. I asked how they could say they created a good image for me since they were the one who ruined my image. They were angry with me and said something that was not relevant to this matter. I tried to calm down and listened to them until they finished their murmur, then I said, “Parents, you said you love me and you told me to listen to you and you will be responsible for everything. You were the ones who told me which programs I could go, which programs I couldn’t go; why you didn’t tell the truth when your relatives asked why I didn’t join that it was you who didn’t allow me to join, but you turned to lie to them that I was busy or I was not well. On those days, some relatives had seen me having fun around. You know, they thought I was the one who didn’t want to join and some of them thought I looked down on them.” My parents said, “Oh you are angry with us because you think we made you look bad!” I said, “The point is about you, parents. What I want to tell you is that you were the one who told me to not go, why don’t you tell the truth and be responsible that you are the one who told me not to go? Do you understand?” Still my parents raised up irrelevant stories and things, especially the part that their love towards me as a daughter was big and pure that no love in this world could not be compared with.

At last, I had to shake my hands in the air and left for my bedroom. I didn’t see the point I should continue talking with them since they refused to understand or even try to think.

However, I didn’t want to live in such a situation anymore, so I decided, by myself, that I stopped joining all social programs even if they were my relative’s, friend’s or neighbor’s.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

How pig changes perspective about the copyright issue

“Pig, can I ask you questions related to stealing content?”

“Of course, Robert.”

“You said you don’t mind anymore if someone steals your content. How can you do it?”

“Well, I changed my glance towards this issue.”

“Changed the glance?”

“Yes, I changed my glance. Before I always looked at this thing as a matter or a problem. Later on, I changed to look at it as a helpful thing for humans.”

“Wow!! How can you make it?”

“I didn’t know how I made it. I just knew that I changed my perspective after I saw the news about Mickey Disney became public property. I read the news, then I searched for more information related to the copyright expiration laws - especially why they created such a law. I didn’t know what was happening. I just knew that I gathered all the information I wanted to know, then all of them ran inside my system by themselves for many days. As a result, I suddenly got an idea that posting my work online doesn’t guarantee that my works are immortal. My work will be removed if I can’t pay the web company or if the web company thinks I do something wrong to their policy or guideline. But if my works are stolen, though my (first) works are removed, they still exist in this world. I just don’t know where it is. Perhaps one day I will be able to see them, but under someone else's name; however, I am happy enough to see my works once again even though no one remembers or knows it is my works.”

“I don’t know what words to say, but I can tell you that I understand what you mean.”

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Pig writes ‘They said’

“What are you doing, Pig?”

“I am preparing to publish my article, Robert.”

“What is it about?”

“Title is ‘They said’ and it is about keeping a nail to be long.”

“Keeping a long nail! I don’t understand.”

“It’s nothing serious. Just my experience in the past. Animals around me liked to tell me their ideas and wanted me to follow their instructions.”

“And then?”

“I followed them, but afterwards I found their ideas were not always right, so I stopped following them and others as well.”

“Why do I feel it is interesting to me? Can I read it?”

“Sure. Here it is.” I showed him the article.

They said I should have a long nail because I am a woman.

If I don't have a long nail, I would be called not pretty or not feminine.

They said I should not cut my nails because it will make me lose money. If I have a long nail, I will have a lot of money.

However I don't listen to any of them because what I see clearly is my nails usually give me a wound - on my face, in my nostril, on my head and my body. Speaking about money, most of the billionaires in the world are men and I don't see them have long nails. Moreover nails are considered shelters of viruses which can cause harm to my health. If I were sick and stayed in a hospital bed, what is the point of having a lot of money?

In conclusion, long nails don't make me pretty, be lucky or rich. Instead they bring me troubles to both my physical and feelings.

The world won't be

"Is this world perfect?” Robert asked. “ No, this world is not perfect,” I said. “Will it be perfect?” I shook my head, “No, it won'...